CFK-Valley Stade Convention
24 – 25 June 2014/ Stade – This year’s conference is focussed on the main topic „Latest innovations in CFRP Technology“.
The lectures will be clustered into thematic sessions:
– Materials (24 June)
– Applications (24 June)
– Simulations (24 June)
– Production (25 June)
– Industrialization (25 June)One of the top speakers of the 2nd Convention Day will be Gregor Körkel from Daimler AG. Körkel is specialized on Materials and Process Engineering and will present the latest results on: „Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics – An integral approach for large-scale production.“ As part of the program preparation, Körkel gave a short summary of his presentation during a preliminary discussion with the Board of Experts of the Convention:“Fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) experience increasing popularity among the automotive industry. Production planners and design engineers face new challenges by the number of new materials and their comparatively little-known properties. For efficiently producing FRP parts on a large scale, knowledge of the material’s processing characteristics is essential. This applies to every step of manufacturing including machining. Known from metals, machinability can be evaluated by different attributes like e. g. cutting force or tool wear. These have to be adapted for FRPs. This integral approach uses attributes like dust and vaporous emissions, trimmed edge quality, tool wear and cutting forces in order to systematically assess and compare the machinability of FRPs according to the demands of large-scale production.“ Körkel closed his briefing.